To ensure good governance Little Maplestead Parish Council has to follow various policies, procedures and regulations:

Code of Conduct

From the 1st July 2012 all Parish Councils have been required to adopt their own local Code of Conduct, which is consistent with the 7 Nolan Principles of Public Life. Little Maplestead has adopted a version of the Braintree District Council Code of Conduct, which may be read or downloaded here.

Standing Orders

These are the written rules of the Council - they are used to confirm the Council’s internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings. Little Maplestead Parish Council's Standing Orders may be viewed or downloaded here.

Financial Regulations

These govern the conduct of financial management by the Council and may only be amended or varied by resolution of the Council. Financial Regulations are one of the Council’s three governing policy documents, providing procedural guidance for members and officers and they must be observed in conjunction with the Council’s Standing Orders. Little Maplestead Parish Council's Financial Regulations may be viewed or downloaded here.

Complaints Procedure

This outlines the steps that must be followed by both the Council and the complainant when dealing with a complaint against the Council. Little Maplestead Parish Council's Complaints Procedure may be viewed or downloaded here.

Privacy Notice and Data Protection Consent Form

The General Data Protection Regulation 2018 requires the Council to state how it uses and safeguards parishioners' personal data, and to seek specific consents for the use of such data. The Council's Privacy Notice can be viewed and downloaded here. A copy of its Consent Form, which needs to be completed, signed and returned to the Parish Clerk before the Council can use parishioners' personal data, can be viewed and downloaded here.