Essex County Council are responsible for all the roads within our Parish.
Highways Problems
If you notice any problems please let Geraldine Holloway know; alternatively you can contact Essex Highways direct to report a pothole or other highways problem or ask about a previously reported problem, using the unique reference number that you will have been given.
Please note: only one problem at a time can be reported, for each of which you will be given a unique reference number. For example: if you are reporting two potholes in your road, these will need to reported separately and will each be given a unique reference number.
Essex Highways respond best to reports made through their link; the more people who report a particular problem, the speedier should be the remedial action.
Help Minimise Highways Flooding
Essex Highways asks landowners and people with gardens next to county roads to do their part to help minimise highways flooding during the winter by clearing private drains and ditches.
Over 300,000 known drains and related drainage assets are situated on Essex roads and, using specialist gully pumps and jetting tools, Essex Highways work teams move around the county, area by area, carrying out routine cyclical cleaning as well as ad-hoc responses to alleviate flooding problems.
To pre-empt and minimise flooding risks, Essex Highways asks those responsible for private drainage and ditches to ensure that these are cleared and draining properly. Ditches in fields and on road boundaries are critical for stopping water just flowing into the highway and also limiting the amount of soil and stones that can be washed onto footways and roads.
Gardeners too can play their part by clearing leaves, twigs and branches from their front gardens so that less debris will be washed into drains and gullies, helping keep them clear.
Essex Highways’ ability to manage the gullies, catch-pits, channels and pipes that it is responsible for is improving – better data on flood risks, silt levels found in each drain and other reported issues, such as tree roots growing through pipes, means that the most troublesome drains receive more attention.
Working together with the owners of private drainage facilities however is key in order to help minimise future flooding occurrences.
Any highways drain/flood issues can be reported online by going to:
Travel Information
Click here for local live travel information before you set off on a journey.
Local Road Closure Information
Local road closures to accomodate pothole patching, fibre-optic cable installation, water mains repairs and other works occur occasionally, requiring alternative routes to be taken in and around the parish. Actual dates and restriction times for such operations are posted on boards in the vicinity of the work around the appropriate dates.
To get an overview of any local closures that are imminently planned or are currently in force, go to and drag/zoom the map to show the parish area. Then click the drop-down at the top right of the page and select ‘Next Two Weeks’. Clicking on the map’s roadworks signs will then give the dates of, and the reasons for, each closure.
Roadworks Information
For details and a map of the latest roadworks and highways closures in Essex, please click here. For conditions further afield you may find this information useful when planning your route.